dinsdag 28 december 2010

Reward of the Economic Inequality

The distribution of wealth in the society not only affects the society’s member’s relationships but also the structure within the society. This will create the possibility of the class classification in the society. In simple terms who will be rich and which one will be deprived. Someone would be more powerful and some would be less. As far as the reward of the economic activity is considered it is believed that the distribution of the wealth within the society will control the society as a whole. The will generate in the society inequality and equality would be achieved if the process is fairly executed. This will also bring change in life circumstances of the society members. Some basic and fundamental principles could be applied for the redistribution of the wealth to bring equilibrium.

Principles for the distribution of the Income

In the current time the distribution of wealth has to do with the exclusive possession of the particular property and the monopoly of specific class members and the monopoly justification of that particular group. This situation is only possible with the misuse of properties and those who hold the rights to do so. This creates the unfair redistribution of the wealth and class differences.

Some of the principles to eradicate his problem and establish a fair wealth distribution can be summarized as follows:

The problem of the inequality is the unfair distribution of the wealth. To eliminate this problem the first thing is to apply a fair procedure. This should be considered the first and important approach to achieve all the other goals towards the allocation of the wealth. Otherwise it is all the squander of the time (Klein, 2003).

The second and important principle that could be applied according to Rawls which he mentioned in his book ‘Theory of Justice’ is the establishment of a society based on justice. This would imply basic changes in the circumstances of the workers by reducing their utilization and abuse in the work sphere (e.g. workers in Dubai), unfair toll and duty laws and at the same time the allocation of the assets so as to decrease the poverty and treating people equally despite their racial or ethnic backgrounds.

The third principle could be the increase in the life standards of the poor by increasing the economic growth and charity projects. In the long term it is better to raise their quality life and provide them long better opportunities in the job market (Rawls, 1999 and Power Point sheet No. 13).

The Fitness of idea, if or whether a Rawlsian or Dworkinian

The idea of egalitarian proclaims equality among the people and equal treatments, respect in the society and especially enhancing the idea of equality of income and the distribution of wealth among them.

By comparing Dworkin and Rawls theories about the equality and the distribution of goods and resources we can clearly identify that Dworkin took stand to mention the shortcomings of the Rawls primary goods. Dworkin emphasizes that people must in one or another way sacrifice some of their resources to achieve goods only with less differences among them concerning their talents and abilities. Their situation totally depends on the basis of their abilities. On the other hand Rawls describes and critiques the liberal and egalitarian system in his `difference principle` that inequality only benefits the smallest number of the society members. He points out that such a system only gives the ability to small number of people to rise to the top. But at the same time once they reach to the peak they have to share the positions that acquired with other members of the society. One of his main points to support his view is that the circumstances and the surroundings in which people live have great influence on their success or failure in their life course.

I agree to what Sen mentioned both of the theories are not pretty convincing. Because ‘capability presents independence and primary possessions represents merely the way to freedom’ (MW and Wyk, 2008, Sen`s Capability equality).

Just or an Unjust society

The current situations and the discussions followed, results that our current society in not a just one. The distribution of wealth in the civilized societies and mostly in the developing countries is unjustly distributed. The lands and properties owned by some particulars and the capital produced by hard working labors. The new liberal ideology and the capitalist market economy has resulted and unequal and unfair wealth distribution. This situation has resulted huge gap between the rich and the poor class section of the society. The huge gap by the depravity and bribery scandals of the government had resulted accordingly to the misuse of the resources that could advantage the society.


Klein, N. (2003). ‘All social and economic problems caused by an unfair distribution of wealth’: At the Canadian centre for Policy Alternatives

Rawls, J. (1999). ‘A theory of Justice ’: Chapter 1; Justice as fairness, sub section 2. pp .6-10.

Belknap Press, USA. ISBN 0674- 000773.

Power Point Sheet (2010). ‘Defending Inequality’: In Social Stratification and Power.

MW and Wyk. (2008). ‘Sen`s Capability equality’.

URL: http://ujdigispace.uj.ac.za:8080/dspace/bitstream/10210/1354/5/RAU4Chapter9.pdf.

(22nd October 2010).

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