dinsdag 28 december 2010

Inequality in Gender

The issue of gender inequality and gap between the two sexes has been under debate in the last decades. Although implausible achievements have been realized but the matter has not fully accomplished the preferred results to abolish the gap between the genders.

The issue is much broad and these differences have been very clearly raised in article of Heleen Mees ‘The cost of gender gap’ its impact on our daily lives and especially their affect on the economic situation of a country (Mees, 2007) She has contributed a lot of literature and articles on gender gap, for example one of her books ‘No more part time feminism’ in which she raises the same issue and the problems related in different countries but I am fascinated by the above mentioned article. Although it is a short article but the ideas have been artistically presented. She points out some key issues and the importance of a comprehensive society which could be achieved by having a just an equal opportunity for all the individuals. The same argument which she raises is also the matter of concern of the European Union countries to achieve those goals for which they stand. She raises the inequality issue and in general the role of the women and their discrimination in the job sector. Without acquiring those principles (equality) the idea of inclusive society is not realizable.

In this article I will be specific to mention and summarize her main points and the effects of the gender inequality in our society.

The article points the economic, social and some cultural aspects of the gender gap and the role of the woman in this matter. She proclaims by presenting the statistics of different developing and developed countries where women contribute to the job market and the position they are able to achieve in organizations. Although she is optimistic on the role of some women in Asian countries compared to European countries where they are able to achieve significant positions in the job market but this statistical percentage is like the combination of salt in wheat flour which is very low. At the same time we cannot be sure of those statistics presented by her in the article. It is difficult to compare surveys executed in those Asian countries and comparing them to the rest of the world. At the same time the plausibility and reliability of such surveys are questionable because different methods are used to produce the results in such surveys. At the same time she criticizes the societies that are not taking sufficient steps to enhance the empowerment of women in the development process in developing and also in some developed countries. Economically this causes countries gigantic amount of financial load and deficit in economic terms. But she is unable to provide concrete reasons that are the main source of inequality in those societies. The reason of such less empowerment in those countries is the reason that women in such countries are poorly educated and this has direct influence on their input and the opportunities in the job market. For example in developing countries women are seen responsible to take care of the household activities and they are eradicated to take part in the social processes. According to her if women are given equal opportunities and their status is empowered they could deliver great value to the economic development of those nations. As such the advances have been realized in some Asian countries where women are able to achieve high position in the job market compared to the western and European countries. At the same time in such male dominated part of the regions women still faces difficulties to reach the climax in the professional sector. Either they are discriminated or their talent is not appreciated.

By summing the article I have concluded that although it raises some interesting points in the gender inequality but still I find it a bit blurred. The author jumps quickly to the conclusions without providing the backgrounds that lead to such affects and it lacks the qualities to present direct and indirect impacts related to the gender gap problem. I will mention some fundamental points through the eye of a sociologist and will raise the question how these could better be understood and at the same time solved.

Different factors that do play role are:

· differentiation, class inequality and stratification

· wealth and the use of wealth and power relations

· poverty and the social classification (differentiation by Marx)

· stereotype

· racism

· gender roles and the problem of masculinity and feminism (Hofstede)

· glass ceiling

· minority issues

Amartya Sen defines that the individuals have been able to have substantive freedom to achieve the equality. If we concentrate on what he mentions we can use the idea which has been raised in the article of Heleen Mees. In some developing countries where no or hardly any form of democracy exists and where the fundamental and religious thoughts have occupied the nations attitudes towards women, in particular in some Muslims countries, an equal society based on diversity and respect is not realizable. To eradicate the inequality, the establishment of a society based on equality in necessary. In such societies the responsible authorities and individuals need to embed and eliminate the institutional, social and cultural hurdles to provide equal chance to every individual. At the same time those societies must try to consolidate and embed one’s beliefs, attitudes, and principles, when it comes to ethical measures in such organizations. This could be achieved and better executed by using the behavioral and psychoanalytical methods in such organizations to generate the process of equality, diversity and respect to all individuals. One of the problems that are created by the individuals themselves is the so called ‘glass ceiling’ and self-censure attitudes of the women in the society. This attitude of them creates a veil around by perusing that such a glass ceiling exists and they are unable to struggle for the top positions in such institutions. This outlook creates hurdle for them to take part in imperative decision making processes in organizations and are unable to take part in political spheres as well. One method to let women participate better in the political arena is to the introduction of proportional quotas system in public and private organizations. Although it is not comprehensive form of equality but it will provide the stage for women to participate and engage in the decision making policies and bring women issues better on the agenda (Segolene Pruvot and Shandi Miller, 2010).

Other important phenomenon that could solve gender issue problems is the active part of the fathers taking care of their children and sharing household activities with women. In this social change process women are able to participate in activities and this will eliminate the gender stereotype problems and other violence issues that occur because of the unshared responsibilities within the framework of household services. This can be a better solution to establish a just society in the European as well as in developing countries. The European Union and other developing countries would not be able to achieve the equality if necessary actions have not been taken. In this regard the role of the individuals itself is crucial to raise the problem and take necessary step in solving them accordingly. So in this regard it is very necessary for the groups and the feminist institutions that are fighting for women rights around the globe to demand for their just rights and push the world leaders to take necessary steps to solve the inequality issues. This would lead the institutions to better organize the problem and also eliminate the so called glass ceiling attitudes of women who are unable to reach the top of the organizations. This is precisely the message delivered by Heleen Mees in her article to the individuals and feminist groups to come together and take equal part in providing opportunities of equality for all the individuals.


In the last decades this issues has gained sufficient awareness on the world forum and in especial in the European countries where the debate also invoked the determinism topic. The Muslim communities and the role of the minorities have been the part of the challenges the European states are facing. To achieve such objectives and to provide a society as Amartya Sen mentioned based on freedom and respect goes further than gender issues. The equality could only be achieved if all differences are put aside and chances are provided to all the inhabitants instead of their cultural or ethnic differences. According to the sociologists the problems have to do with the caste and class system in our societies where the basic resources are controlled by those who execute their power and resources to produce hierarchical situations. This class and caste system is a form of close system in which the lower class is hired and controlled by the higher hierarchies which produces the stratification and inequality in societies. The class system in the society has been seen as a major problem by Marx and Weber. The use of authority, status and capital has been the major issues raised by Weber in the class system compared to Marx. Marx mainly pointed to the process of the associations among individuals that determines their class position. These individuals or groups control means of the reproduction and they can produce inequality in the society. This results the gap between the two sectors where one through their power and wealth acquire the best and the one with little resources have fewer life opportunities to meet their basic living standards. This creates not only inequality but also poverty in such societies. In this regard according to sociologists the class differentiation, gender and race are the main reasons of the poverty. So we can conclude that in such societies and in general in this capitalistic world the capitalists are able to organize the society with the use of their wealth and power in order to boost their own financial wellbeing. The best method to eliminate such problems and differentiations is to provide equal opportunities to all the individuals and respect diversity in such societies. The development of women programs in general and the opportunity to better education to individuals and helping the poor class of the society. To provide them basic life standards and adapt programs to engage them in such processes. This would lead to better understanding of gender problems on one hand and solving them on the other.


Segolene Pruvot and Shandi Miller, (2010), Achieving gender equality is an essential step in building an inclusive Europe’

URL: http://www.euroalter.com/2008/achieving-gender-equality-is-an-essential-step-in-building-an-inclusive-europe. (November 17th 2010).

Mees, H. (2007), ‘The Cost of gender gap’

URL: http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/mees4/English

URL: http://www.heleenmees.com

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